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29 October 2014

Meet the Penis Police...

...or as I like to think of them, the Toronto Red Star Chamber... star chamber
I understand that the conventional wisdom is that most victims of sex assault don’t report, but surely to God, when they do, it should not be to a newspaper.

RELATED: Eye of the beholder
Ghomeshi's public Facebook page has tripled its number of fans since his post about the allegations went up; over 100,000 people have liked this post, and nearly 50,000 have shared it.

A petition to “BAND TOGETHER AND SHOW THE CBC HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IMPACTED BY THEIR IRRATIONAL DECISION” (whatever that means) has over 4,000 signatures.
Looks like presumption of innocence still lives on.


The note, sent to CBC staff by e-mail on Tuesday afternoon, makes reference to a “continuing investigation” and says it will take into account “any new information that becomes available to us, either directly or indirectly.”

UPDATE: Anonymous no more
"He did take me by the throat and press me against the wall and choke me," actress Lucy DeCoutere said. "And he did slap me across the face a couple of times."

She doesn't recall telling him to stop but said her facial expression turned very serious and Ghomeshi was no longer violent after that. She left within an hour and saw Ghomeshi two more times that weekend, but they did not discuss the incident, and no further violent incidents occurred.

She said she had no physical marks on her body from the attack and did not seek medical attention or report it to the police, partially because she felt there were too many holes in her story.
So, now the question is... will this matter proceed to the police?