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11 October 2014

Justin Trudeau rejiggers Catholicism

And don't get him started about voting your conscience...
Women’s reproductive rights trump the freedom of Liberal members of parliament to "vote their conscience" on abortion, Justin Trudeau said.

Trudeau has said that any Liberal MP, regardless of their personal beliefs, would have to vote against any proposed legislation that could limit a woman’s right to an abortion.
Justin Trudeau claims to be a Catholic... but he not only supports abortion... he's made it a mandatory Liberal Party plank. Stop and think about that for a moment. Your Liberal MP is not allowed to consider your wishes, or even think for himself. He or she must put aside all other considerations and vote the Justin line.

Of course, that kind of thinking makes sense when you consider Justin's stated admiration of the Chinese oligarchy. I guess Justin is convinced he knows better. I'm not sure how he still considers himself Catholic. As far as I know the Catholic Church still considers abortion to be a terrible sin. Perhaps Justin has some sort of pipeline to the Pontiff that none of us mortals have access to.

Justin's unwillingness to support Canada's military action against ISIS and his outright refusal to support revoking Canadian passports of homegrown Jihadis is similarly puzzling. One could cynically chalk it up to pandering for support among the Muslim electorate... or using Occam's Razor, place it firmly at the feet of Justin's naive world view. This isn't the first time the Shiny Pony has been caught with a bagful of magical fairy dust.

Any one of these positions should be enough to set off loud warning bells. Who could possibly take a stand against voting your conscience? Oh right... somebody who thinks the Chinese Politburo is the epitome of political thought.