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29 October 2014

Ask an RCMP Commissioner

What is this "homeless" nonsense you speak of?
“The investigation is focusing on whether these interactions could have contributed or facilitated, in any way, the terrorist attack subsequently committed by Zehaf-Bibeau.”
Of course, not everyone is in agreement...
OTTAWA — NDP Leader Tom Mulcair said the latest information about Zehaf Bibeau indicates that he should not be defined as a terrorist.
C'mon Tommy... even Justin Al-Trudeau isn't fighting the RCMP on this one.


RELATED: So much for Islamophobia...

Student filmaker's gotcha moment goes horribly wrong as Canadians defend 'victim' against faked racism.

While the Canadian media unquestioningly lap up Albach's explanation that this was a "social experiment"... Pam Gellar goes with Occam's Razor...
While thousands of mourners packed a church and lined adjacent streets in industrial Hamilton, Ontario, on Tuesday for the funeral of the soldier shot dead in last week’s attack on the nation’s seat of government, this Muslim filmmaker tried to make it all about “islamophobia.”

Victimizing the victim, that’s his jihad. No empathy, no humanity, just victimhood and supremacism.