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28 September 2014

So you get to work...

...and the powers-that-be tell you, "It's a little crazy around here, so we're letting the 'Leader of the Free World' and the Attorney General of the United States conduct all our job performance reviews... on national network TV."

You'd be good with that, right? It wouldn't cause you to doubt yourself or slow down your reaction times... would it?descending into farceSpeaking of reaction...
KTVI reported that dozens of protesters initially showed up at the scene in the mistaken belief that the officer had shot someone. By midnight, approximately two dozen officers stood near a group of about 100 protesters who mingled on a street corner across from the police department, occasionally shouting, "No justice; no peace."
Ferguson, Missouri... where entrenched bias trumps facts.

It's a little like Washington, DC.



...another angle reporting on the shooting of a police officer...
"An apology would be when [Officer] Darren Wilson has handcuffs, processed and charged with murder," Michael Brown Sr. said.
No gentle giant, er... child... left behind.