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24 September 2014

Remember back in high school...

...somebody pissed you off... you'd shank 'em and step over their bleeding body?

Yeah... me neither.
A 19-year-old male student is dead after being stabbed at a high school in Rexdale over the noon-hour Tuesday.

“Emergency responders arrived and found the victim suffering from stab wounds to his face and stomach.”
Rexdale, Rexdale... that sounds so familiar.
The suspect is described as a black male about age 17 with medium height and build and wearing a blue T-shirt.
Just another day in the hood.


REXDALE NEWSFLASH: Cops nab other school killer
In January, police issued a Canada-wide warrant for a 23-year-old Reshane Hayles-Wilson, of Mississauga.
Hayles-Woilson was arrested Monday and charged with first-degree murder.