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15 August 2014

Of course, he's sympathetic...

...Justin Trudeau gets the big bucks because he's got the right DNA too...justin and friends
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation reported that chief Darren Whitford of the O’Chiese First nation earned more than $265,000 in pay and expenses last year for a band numbering 896 members. Ronald Kreutzer of the Fort McMurray First Nation was paid a similar amount as head of a reserve population of 272. One band paid more than $130,000 to each of 18 council members to oversee an on-reserve population of 6,187.
Bear in mind that these are tax free salaries... that $800,000 payout to Chief Ron Giesbrecht would be the net takeaway on a 1.4 million dollar cheque to a non-aboriginal taxpaying citizen.

All that misery you hear about on aboriginal territories... it sure doesn't seem to affect everyone equally. How is financial transparency & accountability a bad thing, Justin? Incidentally, how much of this money ends up in Liberal Party war chests? I'm guessing the Conservatives don't get a single penny.


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Preacher • 43 minutes ago

That's one way to look at it.

Another is that he's willing to represent all Canadians. Something that would be a refreshing change.

LewisDodgson • 25 minutes ago

Not sure how anyone could represent both the LGBT community AND those that would have them stoned if they could, but ok....