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28 August 2014


From our voluminous "just watch me" file...
Gosling’s defence lawyer, Chuck Syme, insisted that his client should not go to jail because the Crown decided to drop charges on the same crimes against Bentley.

“You can’t let the guy walk because he’s Jamaican and send my client, a mother of four, to jail,” Syme said outside of court.
His client, by-the-by is the aforementioned Bentley's wife. Check out the con they were working.

RELATED: Who is Beth-Ann Gosling?
"This is a very complex situation,” Crawford said at the time. “This woman has been convicted of a very serious offence, but she is a breastfeeding mom and there is no doubt the child needs her.”
Wait a minute...
But during her sentencing hearing, the judge learned from medical reports it was all a lie. Gosling then explained to her probation officer that she couldn’t breastfeed because she has breast cancer — but that was a lie too.

“She lied to the court about breastfeeding to avoid going to jail,” Crown attorney Sarah Renaud told court.
And the justice system is making deals with these two criminals? Unbelievable.