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19 October 2013

Taking a page from the...

...First Nations playbook...
"When organizers thanked the OPP for their understanding and patience at their act of civil disobedience, the crowd responded with warm applause."
Is taking advantage of the erosion of lawful civil authority a good thing?

It'll be interesting to see where this sort of thing takes us.


RELATED: Of course, there's one difference...

...the silly farmers didn't bring high-powered weapons...
This isn’t a conspiracy theory; it’s the explicit strategy outlined in the Rockefeller Brothers Fund “Tar Sands Campaign” planning document, written in 2008. It’s white foreign money. With a splash of Canadian Indians for colour.
always a widescreen tv
That’s not a new tactic. But adding in violent Oka-style warriors from Idle No More is new. It’s not just adding Indian bona fides; it’s adding Indian machine guns. That’s why the eco-terrorists in New Brunswick were Indian.

Every environmentalist in Canada should be condemning the rioters.
It's so weird... they can reject the oil & gas industry, but I don't see anyone trading in their ATVs or F150s for ponies and travois.


LAST WORD: Meet the protestors

Ever wonder why these folks can show up to riot any time of day or night?
halls of macadamia/It gets better...
"For instance, where a family of four in the rest of New Brunswick receives $908 a month, a family of similar size on a reserve receives $1,262, or about $300 more."
Hey... guns & ammo... never mind explosives... they don't just grow on trees.