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12 October 2013

Rules are for the little people

It seems David Suzuki has expensive tastes for someone who wants to shut down the carbon economy within a generation. His primary residence is valued at around $8,200,000.00.

Suzuki owns four properties in some very exclusive areas. One of his properties includes part of an island he shares with an oil company, among others.
And yet Suzuki still manages to present himself as a humble little eco-David battling deep-pocketed Corporate Goliath. The one time advocate of zero population growth... who left his first family and started another.

How does he get away with it. I call it "Velvet Touch" syndrome.


RELATED: Little help from his friends
-- OTTAWA -- CBC used taxpayers' money to gain access to a movie premier for a film they co-produced and owned the rights to, documents show.

The offer presented to CBC required an investment ranging from $10,000 for two tickets to $100,000 to sponsor the head table. CBC refused to release the amount they paid to the foundation but the contract shows they purchased a table of 10 plus two single tickets.

The agreement, costing taxpayers somewhere between the quoted prices of $35,000 and $110,000, also called for Suzuki to be granted interviews on CBC shows to profile his life and his film.
I guess that's show-biz.


LAST WORD: Still not convinced?

Watch the video.