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07 October 2013

If you looked in Justin Trudeau's closet... many Che Guevara t-shirts you think you'd find...
all that commie hero worship**********

"Brings to mind the Occupy idiocy where all those basement-dwellers were running around wearing Guy Fawkes masks. Guy Fawkes... The loser who couldn't carry out his assignment and ended up offing himself before he was publically executed. A failure. Actually, when you think of it, he's a perfect fit."

RELATED: Scratch a lefty...

...find a sad little poseur...
lefties are so coolYou've gotta love the irony... turning a devout Marxist into a capitalist commodity... "the face that launched a thousand T-shirts."

Buy two and save!!!


P.S. -- Speaking of commie ass-kissers
"If Joe Strummer makes Ray Charles look like Tim Tebow, then Bob Geldolf makes Joe Strummer look like Jonas Salk."