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09 October 2013

Dalton McGuinty will be remembered as...

...the Green premier... you know, the guy who gave all that taxpayer green to his friends.
here we go againWhy all the sad faces?

The good news here is that somebody walks away with a billion dollar windfall.
"When Mr. McGuinty pulled the plug on the Oakville plant in the fall of 2010, Auditor-General Bonnie Lysyk found, the Liberals did not take advantage of contract provisions that protected the province from having to compensate TransCanada Corp., the energy giant given the job of building it. Instead, Mr. McGuinty’s aides assured TransCanada it would receive the entire value of the contract."

"Under the contract, the government had no legal obligation to compensate TransCanada for lost profits in the event that the company could not complete the project."

“'It may well have been possible for the OPA to wait it out, with no penalty and at no cost,' Ms. Lysyk says in her report."
Couldn't have that, could we.

What, you think it's coincidental that three-time Premier McSlippery packed his bags and ran off to a teaching job south of the border... not at the end of his elected term... but just before this story started gaining media traction?


"I would like to NOT BUILD some powerplants for the Ontario government too - being inexperienced I will start with a couple small ones, say $10 million each, and work my way up."
Count me in.