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24 September 2013

So You Think You Can Think

No wonder Al-Shabaab thinks we're ripe for the picking...
In a body-popping bid for wider understanding, scientists from Australia to the Netherlands are making interpretive dance videos based on their Ph.D. dissertations. To make an esoteric thesis come alive, they leap, swoon, spin and krump.

The performances -- all captured on video and posted online -- belong to an annual international competition called "Dance Your Ph.D," which for five years has been turning scientific obsessions into performance art. To qualify, the author of the Ph.D. dissertation must perform in the dance. Typically, the scientists submit the videos after being awarded their Ph.D.s.
And like any contemporary kindergarten class... everybody is a winner.
"It makes you think in a different way," said Matt Kent who is among the contest judges. "Even if I hate the performance, I love the idea that they are trying."