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02 September 2013

Little less pot... little more paperwork?

So what's up with the party of... "Dave's not here, man"...
"Justin Trudeau's successful and popular visit last week there indicates that there is a lot of support to work with and we look forward to waging a strong campaign there as we will across the country," Andree-Lyne Halle told QMI Agency.
Hey, full speed ahead, huh? Nuthin' gonna stop this political juggernau... wait a minute...
It turns out the Federal Liberal Association for Central Nova - the riding in which Antigonish is located - had been put on notice only a week before, the result of failing to comply with various financial submissions requirements of the Canada Elections Act.
Oh, oh... might be a "non-voluntary deregistration" comin' down the pike.

Hey, Justin... maybe scope out the office for the giggley dude with the cheezie dust paws. Victimless crime, my sweet patootie.


RELATED: Sins of the father... almost bankrupted the country...
"In other words, the only reason there was a large deficit, was because of the huge interest payments (33 cents on every tax dollar) Canada had to pay to service the enormous debt Trudeau built up."
His father's charisma... his mother's intellect.