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19 September 2013

In other "crime is down" news...

Looks like Hogtown has their own "Son of Sam" wannabe...
Homicide detectives have been called in to investigate the shooting this week of a 25-year-old man who remains in "critical and grave condition" in hospital.

A police report said the victim was shot through the closed front passenger window. The man was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries.
And never mind robbing banks and going toe to toe with the holdup squad... you gotta use your head and not your gun...
Toronto-area police have responded to three late-night, smash-and-grab thefts at retail stores in a 24-hour period, with vehicles used as a battering ram in two of the thefts.
Move along folks... nothing to see here.


RELATED: The Obama Effect

Never a community organiser around when you really need one...
The city of Chicago registered more homicides than any city in the nation in 2012, surpassing even New York — despite the fact that the Second City has only one third as many residents as the Big Apple.
Hope, change and... oh, never mind.