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11 September 2013


You can almost hear them start to salivate...
another exhaustive investigation?**********

UPDATE: Not kidnapped after all
On Wednesday, Peloso’s parents Reno and Mary Ann told the Star their son "had some stresses in his life in the past, but we thought things had settled down."

"The first thing I thought was he needed a break, he needed to get away for a bit," said Peloso’s mother, Mary Ann.
Funny how these stories always have some dark undercurrent that only comes out after some sort of tragic event.

Remember how the media celebrated Furious George and his spouse at the time...
A Toronto Life profile published before the 2010 municipal election described Peloso as calm and affable, and "not much given to drama."
Not at all like that alleged substance abusing crack lord Pablo Ford.


"I find it interesting he was found very close to 1011 Lansdowne Avenue. If it was Ford, this would be all over the news. Media is tiptoeing all around this."
Whether or not there is any connect here... you're right... if Ford even took a walk in this neighbourhood, it'd be front page news with all sorts of insinuations.


UPDATE2: Let's hold all the details...

...but, hey... gimme an extra helping of rainbows and unicorns...
Smitherman told reporters that "the path forward isn’t firmly clear, except that we know that it’s long and that it will be hard, and that he and me, and our family, and our kids especially, will be surrounded by an outpouring of love that would restore anybody’s faith and confidence."
Does that mean the news crew from the Star won't be camping out in Smitherman's front yard?