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15 August 2013

WKILL is calling for further fratricide...

...interspersed with intermittent bouts of grievous bodily harm...
"The death toll, which stood at 525, according to the latest Health Ministry figures. Health Ministry spokesman Khaled el-Khateeb put the number of the injured on Wednesday at 3,717."
That's some Religion of Peace.


RELATED: Walk softly, and carry...

...a hopey-changy magic wand...
Hagel’s tepid response falls in line with the commander-in-chief’s own wait-and-see reaction to the deepening Egyptian crisis. President Barack Obama has refused to call the military takedown of Morsi’s elected government a coup, and will continue to send the $1.3 billion in military aid that the U.S. gives to Egypt each year.

With the Obama administration clearly still willing to write a $1.3 billion check, the Pentagon seems to have had little influence in prevention the Aug. 14 massacre. And Hagel’s telephone diplomacy may have even less influence on directing whatever steps al-Sissi may yet take.
From the same guys who outlawed the use of the term "Islamic terrorist."