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27 August 2013

Senator Mac Harb... unlike Duffy or Wallin...

...he's the scumbag you don't see every night on the CBC...
Liberal Senator Mac Harb could no longer realistically count on keeping his generous pension if he was charged and convicted of any wrongdoing related to the Senate expense scandal.

So he quit and that means even if he is found guilty in a court of law his pension is safe.
Mr Harb also wrote a letter of resignation to the Governor General... mostly praising the accomplishments & work ethic of, wait for it... Liberal Senator Mac Harb...
"Reflecting on my 28 year career devoted to public service and to improving the lives of Canadians and those living in the least developed countries, I am proud of what was accomplished. As a parliamentarian, I was fortunate to have several of my private members’ bills – primarily those focused on human rights and the rights of children – incorporated into legislation including National Child Day."
Of course, there was just one pesky little financial fly in the self-indulgent ointment...
Today, notice was filed with the Ontario Divisional Court and Senator Harb delivered a cheque to the Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Internal Economy for $180,166.17, resulting in a total reimbursement of $231,649.07.
So, realistically... he just earns back the stolen money in two years via his gold-plated pension.

Abolish the Senate. Do it now.


UPDATE: Candy from a bunch of babies...
OTTAWA - Disgraced senator Mac Harb is taking a 10% pay cut by retiring as he awaits the outcome of a criminal investigation into spending irregularities.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) said Tuesday that the Liberal appointee is entitled to begin immediately collecting a pension of $123,000 — about $12,000 less than the $135,200 senators earn annually, plus other perks.
It's like the cops surround a fleeing bank robber... and after he pushes the bags of money out the window... they allow him to go free.

Well, that... plus he was given his robber job by the Prime Minister.