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07 August 2013

One People... One Law...

...yet another antiquated Canadian conceit...
TORONTO - Toronto Police officers are investigating allegations of hate speech after a speaker at a controversial anti-Israel rally said Jews must vacate that country OR BE SHOT DEAD.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), the group claiming to have complained to police, identified the speaker as Elias Hazineh.

The speech was made last Saturday at an annual Al-Quds Day rally at Queen's Park.

The Al-Quds rally of 2011 featured Muslim commentator Zafar Bangash, who at the time, called Israel an "apartheid state" of "oppressors and criminals."
Let's face it, you come from a place where small claims court has been supplanted by "throw him off a tall building"... you're likely gonna feel Canadian laws are just too precious.

Yet again, the fruits of multiculturalism expose their bitter pulp.


RELATED: It's just talk, right?