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17 August 2013

No Whore like a Politician

Friday: Legalise dope... Saturday: Pretend to be a Muslim...

oh what a lucky man
"I have the extraordinary privilege of representing the community of Montreal, the riding of Papineau, that is one of the two most lucky ridings of Quebec, because we have the highest number of Muslim Canadians living in the riding."
So, now... "luck" equals "Muslims?" Not sure what that even means, but I guess that makes Yemen the luckiest place on Earth.

Say... you think Justin talked about how dope makes people smarter and better looking... or how homosexual communities add to the vibrant cultural mosaic in Quebec?

Call me cynical, but I'm guessing he has a slightly different version of that speech he trots out at the synagogue.

(via Blazing Cat Fur)


RELATED: I bet he didn't ask Sophie first
"I could go on and on about how there is still an imbalance between the "masculine" and the "feminine" in our society and world. Women are still being violated, trafficked, raped, beaten and deprived of their most basic human rights because of one reason: they are women."
She's gotta be talking about those stuffy old Mount Royal Protestants, right? Hmmm... did Justin even bring Sophie to the mosque? I'm not seeing any pictures.


LAST WORD: Has Justin converted?
No non-Muslim is permitted to participate in our ritual prayers unless he has taken the oath of Islam and declared that Muhammad is the last Prophet of God and that the worst sin is ‘shirk,’ the belief that Jesus is the son of God.
C'mon, Shiny-Pony... fess up.