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15 July 2013

Tip of the, er... Bergen-Belsenberg

Seriously... where's a Human Rights Commissioner when you really, really need one?

halls of macadamia/Broadcasting live From Ryerson University...
"Us Indians have to do something really extreme to get the world’s attention, like forming a Taliban."
Wait, wait... it gets better... or worse... or something...
“I fucking laugh at the Holocaust. Seriously, I spit on the fucking Holocaust. The Holocaust was was not a fucking genocide, if it was a genocide they’d all be fucking dead - but, no, they need the fucking Israelites to exist. Hitler was just something else.”
Yeah, Billy... wasn't he just? Something else, I mean. And, man... those Israelites... hey, say no more. Please.

Actually, kiddo... I'm kinda hopin' you have a serious substance abuse problem... 'cos, otherwise, you're just full-on batshit crazy.

Why the administrative higher-ups at Ryerson are condoning, indeed hosting, this twisted "Triumph of the Ill" is another matter entirely. Perhaps former Education Minister & current Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne can weigh in here. I mean, if she isn't still ducking the press.