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28 July 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Canadian media goes...

... apeshit as Prime Minister Harper proposes legalising concealed pistol permits in order to keep illegal, unregistered firearms out of the hands of inner-city youth... oh, wait a minute...
that's not a knife**********

RELATED: Maybe he's too high to remember
At last year's Liberal party convention Trudeau told ProjectRedDot legalization would likely increase marijuana consumption, which is "not great for your health" and "disconnects you a little bit from the world," adding, "I don't know that it's entirely consistent with the kind of society we're trying to build."

"It's not your mother's pot," Trudeau warned, meaning today's marijuana is much stronger than what baby boomers smoked in their hippy days.

"I lived in Whistler for years and have seen the effects," Trudeau said. "We need all our brain cells to deal with our problems."
Maybe Shiny Pony should have listened to his mummy.