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20 June 2013

Yup... a "conflict of interest"...

...with his former employers... the taxpaying citizens of Canada...
"It has become clear to me that the full scope of the negotiator’s job is no longer compatible with my also serving as a member of Parliament."
Of course, those former employers still get to foot all the bills.

(via BCF)


RELATED: Great Spirit knows best...
“First Nations have a relationship with our territories that is rooted in our spirituality as a gift from the Creator. Fee simple title will lead ultimately to the individual privatization of indigenous collective lands and resources and impose the colonizer’s model on our Peoples.”
Yup... a return to the simple aboriginal life is best.

No more pickup trucks, atvs, non-buckskin clothing or white mans health care. No more nasty alcohol or drugs.

Stand by for paradise.