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16 June 2013

I guess using the word Kearney...

...would dilute the legacy of the first black American president...
“My name is Barack Obama, of the Moneygall Obamas, and I've come home to find the apostrophe we lost somewhere along the way.”
I've often wondered what went through Barack Obamas mothers mind every time she heard that "first black president" thing. It's like she, as an individual, simply didn't exist.

Seemingly, all the credit for who Barack Obama is and what he has accomplished goes to a father who, ironically, (and more to the point, stereotypically) abandoned his wife & young child.

Culturally, he is simply another opportunistic progeny of the fabled "Cook County machine" foisted upon a guilt-ridden American public at a perfectly timed point in American history. You can celebrate his epidermal hue 'til the cows come home, ... but the real legacy of the Obama presidency will be the financial damage he continues to wreak upon the American economy.