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14 May 2013

Yet another Canadian "rush to judgement"

Pop Quiz...
26 fuckin' yearsWhich Canadian politician said...
“This convicted terrorist was able to use numerous and repetitive appeals and loopholes under Canada’s old, broken immigration system to remain in Canada for 25 years. Fortunately, since 2006, the government has acted to strengthen the integrity of Canada’s immigration system.”
I'll give you a hint... it wasn't Justin "Root Causes" Trudeau.


"I watched the press conference on CBC. A reporter asked Kenney if he had assurances that "Triple M" would be treated well in Lebanon."

"Man, I love progressive 'useful dhimmies'."
The CBC sucks up 1.3 billion taxpayer dollars every year to peddle their compassionate, intellectual brand of socialism. That should be the Conservatives next issue.