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23 May 2013

Somewhere, Lloyd Axworthy... laughing his ass off.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird takes a stand against tinpot African dictator muscling folks here in Canada...
“We have made our position on this matter to the Eritreans clear, and we expect that to be respected. The government of Eritrea should not test our resolve on this matter.”
African regime replies... "kiss my ass"...
Semere O. Micael, the Eritrean consul in Toronto said Friday his government would continue collecting what some call an “extortion tax”.
I'm gonna call that one "resolve tested".

Hey, Mr. B., that "soft power" thang... how's that workin' for ya?


UPDATE: It's a start...
Foreign Affairs (DFAIT) announced Wednesday it is expelling Semere Ghebremariam O. Micael, who must be out of the country by June 5.
Watch for this guy to ask for refugee status rather than return to Eritrea.