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22 May 2013

In other...

..."I did not have sex with that woman" news...
"I have not done anything wrong," she said. "I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations. And I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee."

Lerner adds that she invoke her 5th Amendment right and "will not answer any of the questions or testify today."
Ah, well... let the underbussing commence...
Miller expressed regret for the agency’s decision to use a planted question to go public with the IRS’ practice of singling out conservative groups.

It was one in a series of missteps that have not only publicly marred the reputation of the IRS, but also called into question what the White House knew about the scandal and when they knew it.

UPDATE: Obama knew all about it...

...before the election...
On May 3, 2012. Marks gave what IRS officials described as a “presentation” to Miller describing her findings. Marks said the investigation had found significant problems in the review process and a substantial bias against conservative groups, Ahmad said. No written findings were produced as a result, the aide said, and it does not appear the internal review led to any disciplinary actions against IRS employees.
Remember, Barry... it's the cover-up that kills ya.