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02 May 2013

I'm looking for a word here

You know... whaddaya call it when the tools of the state start to lean on, wait a minute... seriously? A rabbi?
police state
"In an unprecedented move clamping down on free speech, Toronto police have threatened a rabbi that if he allows a speech to be given in his synagogue by a well-known anti-Islamist activist, he will lose his job as a chaplain with the force."
Please tell me the cops weren't wearing black trenchcoats.


UPDATE: Hey, this is York Region...

...all speeches must be approved by the "higher authority"...
Inspector Ricky Veerappan, of the force’s diversity, equity and inclusion bureau, said he told Rabbi Mendel Kaplan that Geller’s speech “would not be endorsed by York Regional Police” and that the rabbi’s role as a force chaplain would be thrown into question if he were to permit the event.

“If he did (host Geller), then we’d have to reassess our relationship with (Kaplan),” Veerappan said. Some of the stuff that Ms. Geller speaks about runs contrary to the values of York Regional Police."

RELATED: In other race relations news...
paging tom mulcairNow, it ain't gettin' caught sans pants in a seedy massage parlour, but still...
This week’s poster child for dubious conduct is Jane Shin, B.C. NDP candidate in Burnaby-Lougheed. Among her infractions, Ms. Shin — who is of Korean descent — once referred to Chinese-Canadians as “chinkasaureses.”

As in: “I'm fed up with the chinkasaureses roaming abouts in Vancouver.”

Should Ms. Shin have been let off the hook? Far worse than her ancient “chinkasaureses” crack are signs she exaggerated her academic and professional credentials.

The NDP chose to leave her in the race.
Paging Thomas Mulcair.