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15 April 2013

Two words... Prince... Charles...

So, it seems the Liberal Party of Canada is officially endorsing eugenics. In that case, shouldn't Deborah Coyne's daughter get the nod for possible future finance minister?
"He will be forced to give up what some have called his “no-policy policy” and explain to Canadians what he stands for and what he would do if elected prime minister in 2015."
Oh, c'mon... who needs policy if you've got the "royal jelly."


RELATED: If he doesn't get in as PM...

...he can make a fortune selling sperm to gullible lefty groupies...
"Another video talks up Harper’s economic record while poking fun at Trudeau’s past jobs as a camp counsellor, rafting instructor and drama teacher, adding, 'and now he thinks he can run Canada’s economy.'"
All a successful Liberal needs is... a famous daddy.


Wanna stop a Liberal fanboy/fangirl dead in their tracks? Ask them to tell you the one thing they admire most about the Shiny Pony.