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17 April 2013

A hundred million here...

...a hundred million there... pretty soon you're talkin' serious pesos...more liberal lunacyThe liberal Party of Ontario does it again...
Auditor general Jim McCarter, in a special report released Monday, said the biggest hit was the $149.6 million that taxpayers had to reimburse a U.S. hedge fund which loaned money to the builder at an interest rate of 14%.

McCarter's auditors concluded that the total cost of relocating the plant to the Sarnia area will be $351 million which will be offset by $76 million in savings, in part, by sparing taxpayers the tab for electricity that would not have been needed anyway.
No biggie, if you have an inflated government salary and a goldplated civil service pension, I suppose... and there's more coming...
Tory and NDP MPPs are now demanding the government update the $40-million cost publicly announced for the cancellation in 2010 of a much larger gas plant planned for Oakville.
I don't know what makes me angrier, the constant ineptitude, or the lying about it after the fact.

Well, don't blame me, I didn't vote for them.