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08 March 2013

Never let the facts...

...stand in the way of a good shiny-pony story...
The leadership hopeful has among the worst records for missing votes and has come under fire for skipping his responsibilities and ignoring his constituents to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars moonlighting as a "professional speaker."

In this session of Parliament, only three MPs have a worse voting record than Trudeau who has missed 221 votes, or about 64%.
But, but, but... isn't he dreamy?


"He was campaigning for the leadership moron."
Well, I guess that's one word for it...
"Some of his speaking clients, like the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, paid him $20,000 for one speech in 2010. It's illegal for unions (and corporations) to give a dime to Trudeau's political campaign. They just gave it to him personally, and called it a 'speaking fee'."
The heir transparent.