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04 February 2013

Tonight's CTV Moonbat moment

Using the same impeccable logic that irrefutably proves spoons are responsible for North America's epidemic of morbid obesity...
"He survived four tours in Afghanistan, only to be killed by a semi-automatic handgun."
C'mon Sandi... the mentally ill veteran he was trying to help had nothing to do with this?

I'm so confused... are there good guns as well as evil guns? Who exactly is it at CTV that makes that distinction?


"Obviously semi-automatic handguns are worse than full auto assault rifles, mortars, and IEDs, since he survived 4 tours of duty. The government ought to offer an anmesty program, trade in your evil semi-auto handgun for one of; full auto assault rifle, mortar, or your choice of land mine. If it saves even one life, it's all worthwhile."
Impeccable logic.


RELATED: If only City Council would declare...

...the GTA a "Murder Free Zone"...
-- TORONTO -- Police say the woman was found by officers called to a north-end home on Clancy Drive Saturday and was pronounced dead at hospital.

She has been identified as Nyumwai Caroline Mkurazhizha, 23, of Zimbabwe.

On Monday, police said a post-mortem exam had determined the cause of death to be manual strangulation.

Mohamed Adam Bharwani, 18, of Toronto, is charged with first-degree murder.
I look forward to a chilling CTV report on the danger of fingers.


LAST WORD: Trust me... I'm a journalist
"Next thing you know they’ll have the guy eating the dog after beating it to death with a krypton pipe."
Agenda... what agenda?