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12 February 2013

I say we let Councillor Adam Vaughn...

...declare this part of the city a "bullet free" zone...
those evil bulletsIf it only saves one life... right?


RELATED: That Community Policing thing...'s that working out for ya?
-- TORONTO -- Less than two months into the new year, three young people — including a nine-year-old boy — have died from gunshots.

“Tubby”, 15, is the yet-to-identified teenager who was found shot in a Jane St.- Finch Ave. apartment building Monday night. He was pronounced dead in hospital.
Time to ramp up the fight against farmers, hunters & skeet shooters, oh wait... I mean homicidal urban thugs...
You can call these ridiculous buildings Toronto Community Housing if you want. They are nothing but subsidized drug fortresses.

Meanwhile, where was TCH president and CEO Gene Jones Monday? “Mr. Jones was not in the Firgrove Crescent community last night. He is out of town at a conference,” explained spokesperson Sinead Canavan.

At $200,000 a year — with potential for a 20% bonus — Jones might want to consider getting back here because one thing I have learned in 20 years of covering Toronto’s ghetto drug wars is when one shooting occurs, it is often soon followed by another.

He may want to get that stock media statement ready.
Just something to think about when you're making out those obscene municipal tax cheques.


LAST WORD: Journalism 101

I know... let's ask that woman whose husband got caught buck naked in a Chinatown hooker sweep...
"MP Olivia Chow also mourned his death, and urged the federal government to make the Canada Summer Jobs a year-round program, and to enhance the Youth Gang Program by making it permanent."/
Ah, yes... the party of "more basketball courts" saves the day.