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03 November 2012

CBC Exposed

"As a former National Reporter for CBC Television News, I can confirm Brian Lilley’s book is right on the mark. We used to call the executive building on Jarvis St. ‘the Kremlin’ for a good reason; the place was full of leftists."

RELATED: Need an example?
Lilley describes how the CBC, in the name of “freedom of expression” and “public interest,” destroyed the reputation and living of a respected cardiologist and researcher, Dr. Frans Leenen, by (as Lilley says) “making the interviews fit the story they had decided on before the project even began.”

The accusations against Dr Leenen aren’t the point — they occurred prior to 2000. Suffice to note that in court, Justice Cunningham said the CBC program characterized him “dishonestly and misrepresented his views” ... portrayed him as “a devious, dishonest, bumbling fool” when all the time they knew he was “a person of high integrity and reputation.”

Even when the court found in favour of Dr. Leenen and awarded him $950,000, the CBC appealed (incurring more legal costs that the public paid), and even then refused to apologize or admit error.

Lilly quotes Guy Fournier, former chairman of the CBC’s board of directors: “The CBC never excuses itself and never apologizes.”
Kill this boondoggle, or at the very least, make it pay for itself.