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19 October 2012

How do criminal defense lawyers...

...sleep at night?
• TORONTO • After Wiwchar's arrest in the Little Italy shooting, his lawyer Christopher Avery refuted police claims that he was from B.C. and said he was "shocked" to be charged with first-degree murder. "He has no idea why he's been charged. He finds the entire experience surreal," Avery said.

Avery did not return a Sun reporter's call Thursday about the 37 new B.C. counts.
It's a legal system... not a justice system.

Don't be fooled.


RELATED: Just empty words?

Or do we actually want "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"
prosecution calls for gag orderI didn't see any gag order when the international media was picking George Zimmerman's life to pieces.

Need another example of the healing power of contemporary society?
a 20 year old picture... seriouslyJust another little media sweetums.