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10 October 2012

Dear Occupant

"For the past several years, possibly throughout his term, Barack Obama has sent the same form letter to the parents of all fallen soldiers, Marines and Navy SEALs."

••• "But Obama did send rapper Heavy D’s family a personal letter of condolence." •••
Hope, change... teleprompter & autopen.


RELATED: Those lyin', cheatin' Tea Part...

...wait a minute...
The video then cuts to a montage of different clips of Obama campaign volunteers and staffers all over the country helping O’Keefe’s Project Veritas activists get set up to vote twice, a sign there’s likely more to come.

The video ends with a challenge for the media: “Put your reputation on the line, journalists. Say this is an ‘isolated incident.’”

The Daily Caller could not reach Caballero (regional field director for Obama’s Organizing For America) for comment, despite repeated calls to her cell phone.
(via SDA)