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16 October 2012

Ask a Toronto City Councillor

In these troubled times, it's only natural to look to our political leadership for wisdom and direction...
While most of her colleagues on the Toronto and East York community council slammed a casino, Bailao gave a speech that left the door open to the idea and called for more information.

“I’m definitely keeping an open mind on the issue,” Bailao told colleagues toward the end of the five-hour meeting.

Bailao said councillors “have to keep an open mind” and it bothers her to hear statements like Councillor Gord Perks’ claim casinos would take money from the most vulnerable people.

“Come on,” Bailao said. “There are issues, there are social issues that have an impact as well but not everyone that goes to a casino is vulnerable.
Yeah, it's not like people are just gonna go crazy gambling and drinking to excess... wait a minute...
Bailao, 36, is charged with impaired driving and having more than 80 mgs of alcohol in 100 ml of blood. She is due to appear in an Old City Hall courtroom on December 3.

Bailao is the councillor for Ward 18, Davenport.

So far Bailao's office has yet to respond to the news of the charges.
It's worth noting that Bailao is the replacement pol for the overly-frisky Adam Giambrone.