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06 September 2012

The Daily Show the other night...

...Jon Stewart was screaming for some fact-checking on Republican VP nominee Paul Ryan... I'm curious, would he apply the same standard to Michelle Obama's claims of impoverished origins & extreme rectitude...
"As her husband moved onto the national political stage, Michelle Obama began to enjoy a lavish lifestyle at taxpayer expense, directly and indirectly. When Barack Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate, he obtained a $1 million earmark for the University of Chicago Hospital -- and his wife’s salary as Vice President for Community Affairs jumped from $121,910 to $316,962. Her job: pushing poor, uninsured patients to other hospitals."
(via bcf)


RELATED: Ask a history professor
"When asked to rank issues, voters mostly put the economy at the top of the list. And yet when asked to make a choice between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, their choices don’t seem to be economically based."
Worth the read.