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19 September 2012

The actual cost of social engineering

Just something to think about Toronto... as you're signing that outrageous municipal tax cheque...
suckass political correctnessTotal enrolment.... six students. Makes you wonder what would have happened if the entire "community" hadn't been up in arms ramrodding this thing through.
“We haven’t given up on the program,” said Spence Tuesday night. But, “when you’ve got enrollment down across the board you can’t defend three teachers for six students.”

The program was originally conceived to have up to 60 Grade 9 students with plans to add another grade each year. Six of the students’ eight courses would be destreamed and taught through “an Africentric lens.”
Could it actually be that parents realised a certificate from Ebonics U. might not be doing their children such a service after all?


RELATED: In all fairness, who could have...

...seen that com... wait a minute...
"Overwhelming public opposition to plans for an Afrocentric alternative school will not deter the Toronto District School Board from pressing ahead with the project, according to board chair John Campbell."

Opposition is even greater in the GTA, though the regional numbers have a higher margin of error. In the 905 area, support for the school sits at just 11 per cent, compared with 85 per cent against it.

Across Ontario, equally lopsided numbers of people said they see the plan as a form of segregation and would oppose any ethnically focused school.

LAST WORD: Been there, done that
He said during his tenure as superintendent for the Milwaukee School Board, members welcomed the idea for African-centred alternative schools with open arms.

The board opened a middle school and elementary school, but the former has since closed because of declining enrollment.
Once again... the triumph of hope over experience.