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01 September 2012

That's some pricey little hole...

...yeah, yeah, I know... the irony abounds...
the taxpayer funded glory holeAnd the Globe's lofty take on all this...
"Until now, the cost of Mr. Layton’s state funeral has been kept under wraps. At least one columnist was pilloried for asking whether public money ought to have been spent on a ceremony that at times took on the appearance of a partisan political rally."
That's the only reason you can think of, Canadians might not wanna punt hundreds of thousands of dollars on this guy? Hey, nobody actually got arrested, right? So that one don't count.

Gotta hand it to ol' Jack... somewhere up in socialist heaven, he's laughing at all of us...
"House of Commons records for 2009 state that Chow and Layton charged Canadian taxpayers over a million dollars. Chow's expenses tallied $530,304.73 and Layton's was $628,913.68."
Doing good? Jack, like all his "progressive" brethren was all about feeling good... and getting other folks to pick up the tab.

You blew this one, Mr Harper. And your punishment is that you know it.


he nailed us too