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26 September 2012

That Moderate Mommy Dearest

I guessin' she didn't say... "Darlin'... this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you"...sharpest knife in the drawerI'm thinkin' mom might just be on to something... I by-Allah betcha this kinda thing does modify your behaviour... not to mention your ability to turn your back on another human being... ever again...
• Montreal • Her daughter was in hospital being treated for stab wounds, to the head, shoulder and arm. She herself had been arrested that morning at the family home with blood on her hands and feet and a gash on her left arm."

"And Johra Kaleki, facing charges of attempted murder and aggravated assault, decided she was going to disregard her lawyer’s advice and tell the story “from A to Z.”
And Johra, don't think we all don't appreciate it.