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11 September 2012

That cruel, libellous Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...
• OTTAWA • Outspoken New Democrat MP Pat Martin is asking the public for money to defend himself against a lawsuit by RackNine, the Edmonton company he accused of being responsible for vote-suppressing robocalls in last year’s federal election.

Through the Pat Martin Legal Defence Fund website, the Winnipeg MP will try to raise $250,000.

In February, Martin accused RackNine CEO Matt Meier and the company of being behind the robocalls that saw voters misdirected to non-existent polling locations during the May 2011 election, denouncing “hundreds of thousands of phony phone calls by the RackNine rascals.”

RELATED: Robo-calling, robo-calling...

...that sounds so familiar. Oh right... for all the media thunder & lightning... there has been ONE SINGLE CONVICTION...
The Liberal riding association in Guelph has been issued a $4,900 penalty by the federal broadcast regulator for sending out unsolicited robo-calls during the 2011 election campaign.