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12 September 2012

So... the hard chargin' Warrior-President...

... who scripted himself defacto leader of Seal Team Six is now flourishing his diplomatic chops...

more suckass political correctnessIsn't that special...
"An initial statement from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo said it 'condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims'."
Well, we certainly wouldn't want to hurt anybodys feelings, right?

Obama might as well be spitting on Christopher Stevens grave.


UPDATE: The "Yes We Can" President
now you see it, now you don't**********

RELATED: Oh, c'mon... it's not like...

...we should be worried about the Middle East...
"The White House declined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's request on Tuesday to meet U.S. President Barack Obama during a UN conference in New York at the end of the month."
Hang on a second... isn't Israel one of the only countries in the region that isn't killing Americans?

Why is Barack Obama pushing Israel away? Maybe he's getting some inspiration from those dreams his Muslim father told him.