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20 September 2012

Ask a Journo-Canadian

Seriously now, Ian... what statistically coherent methodology did you apply here to take the temperature of the community at large?generalisations are bad... right?Oh that's right... you had an expert-witness...
Abdifatah Warsame hasn’t been able to speak with immediate families of the latest victims, but said the community is reeling from so many murders of its young men.
Hang on a sec, Ian... your go-to guy can't even tell you what the families of these guys are saying... but he speaks for the entire community? That's just phonin' it in, bud.

So what else has this live wire into the heart of "the community" got?
“In the Somali community, unemployment is over 80%,” compared to the national 8% average, Warsame said. Compared to the lure of fast cash on the street, “how do you motivate the young people when they say they’ll never be part of the Canadian dream?”

This is not a Canadian-Somali problem.”
Of course it isn't... increasing drug violence, bodies piling up. on street corners... I say we blame Stephen Harper. Again.

The thing is, Abdifatah... I'm a little confused. Using the same logic you're spouting here... the success of so many immigrants in the Chinese & Asian communities... that's not due to their sacrifice and hard work?

I'm so confused.