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22 August 2012

McSlippery regime falls back on...

..."more basketball courts" strategy...
-- TORONTO -- Ontario is bolstering crime prevention programs with a focus on youth - to the tune of $20 million - in an effort to get guns off the streets by trying to prevent kids from turning to crime in the first place.

A plan to expand summer job programs and add more youth outreach workers was announced Tuesday.
Wait a minute...
Toronto politicians were shocked to hear the alleged Eaton Centre shooter had a City of Toronto job working with kids up until two weeks ago.
Gotta love those Liberals and their bottomless pockets.


RELATED: Okay, that explains a few things
First it was former Health Minister George Smitherman’s tearful admission that he’d used “party drugs,” before he got into politics.

Now we hear from former Attorney General Michael Bryant that while he was the province’s chief legal officer, he was also an alcoholic. While he claims not to have been drunk on the job, he was hung over. Hello? The attorney general’s job isn’t 9-5 -it’s 24/7. You’re always on duty.

It begs the question, was anyone actually sober at Premier Dalton McGuinty’s cabinet table?

It certainly explains some of their bizarre cabinet decisions.
Party on dudes.