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06 August 2012

Canada's aboriginal reserves...

...the last bastion of North American communism...
the end of canadian communism?But, heck, what's this... somebody is actually willing to step up and give aboriginal Canadians the same sort of rights the rest of us take for granted...
"The Conservative government will introduce legislation that would allow first nations members living on reserve to own their property, a radical change that aims to spur economic development in native communities that choose to embrace the new law."

"The government is also committed to passing its First Nations Financial Transparency Act, which would require band councils to post their salaries and benefits on a website for all to see."
Heck... own your own house... a sunshine list for the folks who control one of the country's largest single line taxpayer expenditures... who could be against that?

Oh yeah... these guys...
"The move is strongly opposed by many chiefs, including Shawn Atleo, who was re-elected in July as National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations."
But that's gotta be an outlier, an aberration, right?

It's not like the chiefs wouldn't want to improve the lot of all their... wait a minute...
"Chiefs also oppose Bill S-2, which would protect the matrimonial property rights of women living on reserves if their marriages end."

RELATED: Too many Chiefs...

...not enough auditors...

big big wampum
"At least 80 aboriginal chiefs and band councillors made more money last year than Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and at least 200 were paid more than their provincial premiers, according to newly released federal figures."