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21 July 2012

What's that hoary old Liberal mantra?

Oh yeah... "if it only saves one life"...boomboom roomThe more information you have about ANY situation... never mind it involves idealogy, religion AND explosives... that's a good thing, right?
"Welner interviewed Khadr over two days at Guanatamo Bay and determined he remained 'highly dangerous.' He described Khadr as a 'rock star' among his terrorist peers and a 'hero' to his radical family. He called him manipulative, angry and noted it would be tough for him to reintegrate."

"He was sentenced to 40 years in jail but, under a plea deal, he only had to serve eight."
Apparently, though... even serving only one fifth of his sentence is a travesty of justice for many in the "Journo-Canadian" community...
poor little omarAnd...bombs r usHeck, what's all the fuss about... the Liberals & NDP have been telling us all along that poor little Omar... wait a minute....
"The video recordings were sealed by a U.S. court, meaning they are currently unreleasable, but they include interviews between Mr. Khadr and a New York forensic psychiatrist who has painted a grim portrait of Mr. Khadr as an unrepentant, dangerous, Islamic extremist who has been “marinated in the radical jihadism” during his imprisonment."
Hey Torontonians, here's a question you might wanna ask yourself... "Would I let my children ride on the Yonge St subway beside self-confessed terrorist & murderer Omar Khadr?"


"Like Ezra, I wouldn’t want to sit next to Khadr on an Air Canada flight, and I suspect most Canadians wouldn’t either."

Hell no, but lets bring the son of a bitch back anyway!!