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21 June 2012

The Sausage Factory of Chicago politics...

...once again raises its ugly head...
"For the last several years, Nayak had been the aching thorn in Jackson’s side after Blagojevich was heard on tape saying that Jackson’s emissary — Nayak — offered what Blagojevich believed was a $1.5 million offer in exchange for the Senate seat."

RELATED: Remember how Obama's BFF...

...was gonna fix up Chicago? Maybe hugs & wishes just aren't gonna be enough...
"Mr. Emanuel listed safer streets among his top three priorities when he became mayor a year ago, but Chicago, the nation’s third-largest city, is now testing that promise. Homicides are up by 38 percent from a year ago, and shootings have increased as well, even as killings have held steady or dropped in New York, Los Angeles and some other cities."