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27 June 2012

No, no, no... not the flower child who...

...used to party with Mick & Keith... the other one...
"Liberals yearning for the glory days of Trudeaumania as they head into a leadership contest could face a choice between Pierre Trudeau’s eldest son and the mother of his only daughter."
Frankly, I'm a little surprised they don't just get it over with and re-elect the Emperor himself... it's not like he's any deader than the federal Liberal party anyway.
"Ms. Coyne bristles at suggestions that 'somehow I’m just a mouthpiece for things that Pierre Trudeau may have said in the past.'"
Of course not, Deborah... everybody knows that's Justin's job.


"Will Prince Charming finally do battle with the wicked Step Mother?"

"I hear Trudeau's plumber is throwing his name into the race."

"neo just can't stand the fact evil Pierre got more action than neo ever will."
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 3:15 PM, June 27, 2012
As per usual with the lunatic left... it always comes down to their genitalia.