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13 June 2012

I'd love to know how much money...

...the Liberals threw down the polling toilet finding out that Rae didn't have a hope in hell...
"The news is surprising, especially considering it came on the same day the party executive was poised to formally release Rae from his pledge, as interim leader, not to seek the permanent helm."

"Rae said last week he would wait to hear the new rules from the national executive before announcing a decision."
His pledge? You mean his promise upon assuming the interim leadership that he wouldn't run, right?

You know who isn't surprised here? Anyone (outside of the MSM) who lived in Ontario during Bob Rae's stint as Premier.


RELATED: The mighty Globe & Mail...

...has something for everybody...
both sides nowRemember... journalist are so much smarter than you...
"His decision not to run will lessen the internecine tension that has afflicted the Liberals for decades. Already, the party was dividing into two camps: those who wanted Mr. Rae to lead the party into the next election, and those who wanted anyone but Mr. Rae in that job."
Or, let's go with Occam... the Liberals have been polling and Bob didn't make the grade.