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29 June 2012

Having their cake...

"Edith Bramwell, who works as legal counsel with PSAC and often deals with issues of political activity, said the union fully supports the principle of a politically neutral public service."
pinko thinko stinkoAnd eating it too...
"Bramwell said for the average public servant who is just going about their job at their office – not a head of a department or other senior level manager – there should be no limitations on their political expression."
Isn't it the compassionate, intellectual left who's always screaming about hate speech?


"I didn't own a computer back in the 90's and don't even know if this CBC site existed, but if it did, did the Liberals take this kind of grief when they laid off 3 times the people?"

"Just curious."

RELATED: In other Planet Pinko news...
-- OTTAWA -- Canadian tax dollars are supporting a francophone rapper whose latest video glorifies the Taliban and applauds the slaughter of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan.

The video presents a sympathetic view of Taliban fighters planting a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, detonating it, opening fire on the soldiers who emerge, and finally executing a wounded soldier hiding behind his vehicle.